I apologize for my blogging neglect
once again. My excuse this time is that I simply didn't have much to
say. But alas, my time in Jindabyne has come to an end and thus
begins a new adventure for me that will hopefully be ripe with
blogging material for all 3 of you to enjoy!
First though, I will give an eulogy to
little Jindabyne. Since I arrived in Jindabyne I had not once
traveled beyond it's borders other than the 15 minute drive to
Perisher. All of Australia that my eyes had seen was contained in
this tiny town and road to the ski resort. But, Jindabybe is such,
that I was quite content with this containment. It's a very tiny
town with a LOT of people there. People from all over the world
migrate there every fall to staff the positions at Perisher and
Thredbo ski resorts. Creating a melting pot of young diversity. In Layman's terms...it was fun! I met loads of people with similar
passions for skiing, mountains, and travel. Watching the Olympics
was particularly enjoyable as every night no less than 6 nations
would be represented on our couches cheering for their countries and
against the others. (though the horribly biased Australian coverage
made this experience slightly less than ideal for those of non-aussie
decent) Americans, Brits, Aussies, Canucks, Argies, Slovenians,
Dutch, and more were commonly cheering for their countrymen. Other
than the Olympiad, Jindabyne offered little in the way of
entertainment. The main attractions being 4 small pubs. You can
imagine then, a town with close to 40,000 young people, the amount of
business these small establishments were receiving. The effects were
seen and heard nightly. Personally I have a strong opinion of those
who are under the influence, and I was almost daily affronted by some
manner of drunken idiotry. This was my least favorite part... But
still almost daily we'd get together with friends from all nations
for dinner, or a movie, or for fun and interesting conversation. A
sports center offered trampoline aerials coaching. A bistro offered
$10 steak nights ( a very good deal). The town itself offered nice
parks by the lake with free gas grills. Despite the extreme rurality
of the place, seldom did I feel want of something to do. I have
really grown quite fond of the place and the people there that are
now my friends.
Life at the ski resort was much less
relaxed. I find it hard to describe in words what it was like
working at Perisher. To put it into perspective, you must realize
that most of the people visiting Perisher and taking ski lessons,
have never seen snow before. The snow literally only falls on the
very top of the highest mountains which very few Australians actually
live near. The wonderful world of snowy winter is very foreign to
99% of the population. So the common sense that those of us
accustomed to winter and snow inherently possess, is not to be found
in our guests at Perisher. Everything from driving on a road with a
little bit of slush on it, to waiting in a lift line, are tasks of
great disconcern, confusion, chaos, and terror for them. So, being
their instructor entails a much greater effort and much lower expectations. Things that seem common sense to me, are as foreign as
a Slovakian film about a dooneri chef with Cambodian sub-titles is to
them! Add this chaos with a class size of ten people or more, and
you have a recipe for a ski instructors worse nightmare. Trying to
keep track of, keep safe, and actually teach 9 four olds all while
avoiding the hundreds of punters on the hill that have no idea what
they are doing, was enough to drive several of my co-workers to the
brink of insanity. I barely made it to the end. In fact, despite
the odds against me, I even managed to have some fun! I will say
this, being a ski instructor anywhere else in the world...will seem
like a walk in the park from here on out! And I can't wait, to go
for a walk in the park!
As I said though, that time has now
ended. I have left Jindabyne (and only now in the midst of the huge
city of Sydney have I realized how tiny it was) and started my
travels. Of which I will do my best to share with you. So come back
oft to find out where I have gone next! Mom, don't worry, I'll tell
you where I'm going!
The Town Of Jindabyne |
Skiing at Perisher |