Thursday, November 10, 2011


 So the other night on the cocktail cruise there was a really old couple.  I'm talking walkers with tennis balls, dentures, and shrunken to child size.  And they .  . were  .  .  awesome!  I'll just tell one story.  Little wife was in the head and little husband was patiently waiting just outside for her.  Then with a childish smile so big his teeth fell out, and a devious cackle, he reached up and latched the door closed from the outside.  After a minute or two, we started to hear little wife rattling the door, then..."Harold!  I can't get out!"  Then Harold starts laughing harder.  "Harold!  What did you do? Let me out!"  At this point Harold is practically in a laughing fit as he points at the door and makes sure everyone knows about the trick he is pulling!  "Harold!  I'm warning you, you better let me out this instant!".   "What's wrong honey, do you need some help in there?".  "HAROLD!"  Hahahaha!  Finally Harold let her out and bless her heart she is busting up laughing too!  "Oh that Harold, always the trickster, he's been doing this to me his whole life!"  Oh man, seeing those two cute little old people was the highlight of the last several weeks for me!  Silly old people.

1 comment:

The Kitch said...

bahahahaha I love this story, I want to be friends with this cute couple