Sunday, June 6, 2010

Aloha from Maui

I've been in Maui now for a month. The first two weeks were awesome as some of my family were here with me. Vacations with Mom and Dad are awesome on account of them paying for everything! Thanks guys! They were here on Maui for my cousin's wedding, then we went to Kauai. That island is beautiful. I'm pretty sure I want to live in Hanalei someday. It was really fun to be here with them and show them my romping grounds. There isn't a whole lot of work yet on the boat so I got another job as a fitness trainer at a little local gym. I know, that's a laugh right!? It's pretty easy and not that bad. It took me about a week to find a place to live after the family left. On the day Reed showed up though I finally found a place. That week was rough, I really hope that I'm never permanently homeless, that would NOT be fun. The place we're at works though. We also got a car and are all pretty much settled in now. I have that same feeling again of not believing that I live here. The ocean is just amazing to me. It's like a haven I can escape the world to. I feel inspired every time I'm in or near the water. Also like last year I feel rejuvenated to achieve my goals and make my dreams come true. I do miss Utah, family, and friends a lot more this time. But all is well and life is swell! I haven't made any new slideshows, but here are some photos.

This is my friend/surf student Stacey. We went out to Lauiniopoko to surf.

This is me, cindy, stacey, caitlin, and Reed out near the blowhole.

That's me on a rock.

Walking from blowhole to blowhole.

Sad...I'm all alone.

Swimming through the lava tube.

Helping the wahine up the waterfall.

The Napali coast. Someday...

Derrek and Kappy swimming with Honu.

At a waterfafall on Kauai with the Ohana.

Some keiki honu on Kauai.


Court and Jill said...

sweet pics. i wanna swim with some turtles.

Adventures in Heywood said...

I had a dream John and I came out there, but it must have been the last time, cuz I was reeeaaallly pregnant. Looks like fun!