Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Hi. I'm Dallon. I'm a Mormon.

The church that I belong to is Called the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  Most of the world refers to members of my church as 'Mormons'.  This is because we believe in a book of scripture called "The Book of Mormon, Another Testament of Jesus Christ" in addition to our belief in the Bible. 

I was recently reading an article in a magazine that my church produces about the website www.mormon.org that has a feature where regular members of our church can create small profiles introducing themselves to whomever would like to learn more about people who are Mormons.  The article and the website have made me think of personal experiences in my life when I meet people and they are curious about my religion.  For some reason there have been lots of new little bullets on my visitors map (right side of my blog) from all over the world so I wanted to introduce myself to anyone who might be interested or mildly curious.

I have spent the majority of my life in Utah where the center for the church is.  There aren't very many people in Utah who don't know about Mormons, but I also spend a majority of my time living in other places in the world where I meet many people who know very little about my faith.  One of the most common phrases I hear from friends after they learn that I am Mormon is, "But your normal!".  I usually take this as a compliment and a bit of laughter.  Because, well...it's true!  As you can also find on mormon.org, us Mormons are just regular people, we do regular things, and we don't have horns, or shrink heads, or have 11 wives.  I am not sure what people expect when they meet a mormon, but apparently it's not a normal person!  In some regards however, I guess we are not normal.  The first things that usually stands out about me is that I don't drink alcohol, coffee, smoke, or use any kind of drug.  My friends who do not share my faith though find this very useful as I can always be the designated driver!  Another thing that has often set me apart, is my behavior on Sundays.  I believe that Sunday is a day set aside to honor and worship my Savior by attending church services, focusing on spiritual matters, and limiting wordly activities.  I treat Sundays as a day of rest and worship.  So I probably won't go surfing or skiing on a Sunday.  These things are preached as part of the Gospel of Jesus Christ who is the founder and leader of my church.  There are many many topics I could choose to talk about concerning my faith and religion but I would refer you to these websites for more information on that.

www.mormon.org and www.lds.org

But I would just like to say, that as the name of the church implies, us mormons, and I as well, believe 100% that Jesus Christ lives, is our Savior, Lord and Christ.  That the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is His church, restored again to the earth.  And it is through Him that I have found so much peace, love, and happiness in my life.  One other standout trait people have noticed in me is my constant happiness despite regardless of life's' circumstances, and this happiness of mine holds it's roots firmly in my memberhsip in the LDS church, and my faith in my Savior Jesus Christ!

So I'm not trying to push my religion on anyone, I'm just inviting you to learn more if you are interested, and to help anyone understand a little better that if you meet a mormon, you probably don't have to turn and run!  In fact, you could easily make a really good friend!

Go here to meet more Mormons like me!

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